
Social Teknology 05 by Exode, Dam

  • Label: Social Teknology
  • Title: The Circle Is Complete
  • Reference: Social Teknology 05
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore
  • Style: Speedcore, Frenchcore, Industrial Hardcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/10/2011
  • Catalog entry: 09/10/2011
  • Average rating:

Social Teknology 05 review

Exode tunes are the freshest surprise in Hardcore since a big while. Check out his 2 tunes and you'll be back with some Hard Core for these days of trouble awaiting us all with this end of the year... Politics and Music. For a better riot. Nervous. Dam tunes are abit more experimentals but also carry a good Hardcore feeling, maybe a boit more classic Frenchcore but still more orginal than the basic style of it.

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Customers reviews

Bilbo , 09/07/2011

Very nice release !!!! a bomb ! but i really don't think that's tribecore dude ;)
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