
Widerstand 16 LP 04 by Ab-Hinc

  • Label: Widerstand
  • Title: Farkhulse Fist Reconfigurations
  • Reference: Widerstand 16 LP 04
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: AT
  • Categories: Ambient electronica Breakcore Future beats Industrial
  • Style: Drone, Ambient Industrial, Breakcore, Dark breaks,
  • Weight: 0.44
  • Release date: 06/29/2013
  • Catalog entry: 06/29/2013
  • Average rating:

Widerstand 16 LP 04 review

A lot to say here... First lets welcome Widerstand back on the Vinyl scene, after 5 years... Second this 2x LP brings only new versions of the Widerstand 04, dating from 1997... And this LP only invites musicians who participated to the Widerstand 04 edition... So this is a very conceptual album. But this is not all... This LP is 333 copeis and plays 33.3 RPM... but this not all again^^ Here, the sleeve is printed outside and inside... Well, what else to say : it's a superb record that all experimental music lover who are not stupid enough to follow some hype or some musical ghetto should get. This is a real artwork and toolbox is very proud to carry it ! Thank You !

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