
Industrial Strength 100 - 1 max per Custommer by Tymon, Dep Affect, Stormtrooper, Mr Madness, Matt Green

  • Label: Industrial Strength
  • Title: ISR 25 Years
  • Reference: Industrial Strength 100
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: US
  • Categories: Hardcore Home prod
  • Style: Hardcore, Doom
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 11/04/2016
  • Catalog entry: 11/04/2016
  • Average rating:

Industrial Strength 100 - 1 max per Custommer review

This year, Industrial Strength is a pretty 25 Y.O. Lady ....

But Industrial Strengh stopped pressing vinyls since Sound Base Music went down, producing more and more Digitals...
As most of the hardcore Labels...

But how truely enjoy an anniversary without pressing a Vinyl ? Is This possible ?

Inviting historical artists as Stormtrooper or Matt Green was a kind of an obligation... Hardcore never die bordel !

Dep Affect brings some fresh blood with his Technoïd Hardcore tune and its perfect structure. Total dancefloor... the Hit on the record for sure !

Tymon... ah... Tymon the killer. A pearl of a sober swinging hardcore.

This ISR100 is definitely a big one...

Cut @ The Exchange and pressed in an Indie way at RPM south France.


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