Hardcore Gamerz 02 by Mazart Fucker Follow, Renard Follow, Cypher Follow, Dr Polkov Follow, Smileybeat Follow
- Label: Hardcore Gamerz Follow this label
- Title: Ultimate Fighting
- Reference: Hardcore Gamerz 02
- Format: 12''
- Country: FR
- Categories: Tribe / freetekno, Hardcore,
- Style: Fat Hardtek, Hardstyle, Mid-Tempo Hardcore
- Weight: 0.24
- Release date: 08/18/2009
- Catalog entry: 08/18/2009
8.35 € (TTC)
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Hardcore Gamerz 02 review
Hangars Dancefloor style for Fat Hardtek, Hardstyle, Mid-Tempo Hardcore.
Tracks list
A1 : ultimate fighting
A2 : furious hanger
B1 : chainsaw project
B2 : fecal abrazion
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