
Minus Belligeranza 06 by Okapi

  • Label: Sonic Belligeranza
  • Title: Vol 2. Early (1914-1926)
  • Reference: Minus Belligeranza 06
  • Format: LP
  • Country: IT
  • Categories: Future beats
  • Style: Minimal Punk, Dada Electronica, Electro Musette, D
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 09/02/2009
  • Catalog entry: 09/02/2009
  • Average rating:

Minus Belligeranza 06 review

This is not only unformated. It is also a cult object. Reprise from a dadaist italian musician from the 20's. Played at nowadays Dadaism saucage. BUT, the music is melodious. Rhythmic and pure beauty. Efficient on the dancefloor for some crazy Djs V5.9... And also this comes as 2 volumes. Like in the old days. A Must have for all real music lovaz' !!!

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