
Ant Zen Act 087 CD by Synapscape

  • Label: Ant Zen
  • Title: so what
  • Reference: Ant Zen Act 087 CD
  • Format: 2xCD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Industrial
  • Style: Industrial Techno, Industrial Breakcore
  • Weight: 0.22
  • Release date: 09/22/2009
  • Catalog entry: 09/22/2009
  • Average rating:

Ant Zen Act 087 CD review

the album gets off with the title track "so what", a well-crafted danceable track, with some noisey tunes and distorted, half-spoken vocals in their unmistakable manner. "new order", by contrast, is a remarkably light and relaxed track with a distinctive grooving percussion, darkly fuzzy bass line hinting and hypnotizing sequences. this track has been perfectly converted by video-artist clemens von wedemeyer into a thrilling visual story. which is available as quicktime video file (for pc and mac) on disk two. śth sect", is another driving dance track, with some wonderfully crunchy percussion battering away behind harsh bursts of electronics and assorted burbles and twangs. a very impressing track, dense and powerful.. "discorode", a fusion of energetic, high bpm rhythms, precisely placed with reference points for the dancefloor to be followed by the next notable track "second sect" which is a little more conventional. further demands for energetic force and distorted rhythms can be satisfied with tracks like "i know you know" and śth sect", which justify the aggressive and anarchic title of the album. - disc one is underlaid by tense, electronic chittering and all sorts of great noises, from lush synth washes to harsh bursts of electronics which cross-breed the disparate and varied influences of the band's members. the tracks vie for the listener's attention, along with distorted vocals and something that might've been a "harmless" beat before synapscape's musical mutagens got at it. it's rich, multilayered, chaotic and marvellous. - this isn't the case for disc two, the noisy rhythmic battery grinds down into relaxed contemporary beats fused with obscure soundscapes and mutated noises. it features mainly instrumental contributions in a darker and ambient like mood. combined with the visual story for "new order" you certainly have an excellent audio & visual final for an eventful record !

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