
Expressillon Spiral Tribe 05 by Spiral Tribe

  • Label: Expressillon spiral
  • Title: Wildspiralacid
  • Reference: Expressillon Spiral Tribe 05
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Acid Tribe
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/13/2010
  • Catalog entry: 02/13/2010
  • Average rating:

Expressillon Spiral Tribe 05 review

Spiral Tribe product made in 2009 ! Minimal Acid Tribe flavour. Nice one.

Tracks list

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Spiral Tribe created by Parin ch'tek

spiral created by crackA13

tek created by La Fouine du Renard

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acid created by sebkha

ziggy created by ziggy

spiral tribe created by kk23

Expressillon spiral created by toto le déglingo

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Customers reviews

Dave.LXR , 06/03/2010

good release IMHO! not really hard, but fresh :)
PERES Nicolas , 02/21/2010

totally not in the spiral spirit, but sound good & fresh, ixi sounds ?
Robert Bohuslav , 02/15/2010

expecting little bit more, but still tough release!
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