
Jahtari CD 04 by Clause Four, Black Chow, Disrupt, El Fata, Tapes, Soom T, Jahtari Riddim Force, Solo Banton, Rootah, Ras Amerlock, Illyah, Ltd Candy, Pupajim, John Frum

  • Label: Jahtari
  • Title: Jahtarian Dubbers Vol.2
  • Reference: Jahtari CD 04
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Dub / ragga
  • Style: Electro Dub, Electro Trip Hop, 8 Bit Music, Electr
  • Weight: 0.20
  • Release date: 05/08/2010
  • Catalog entry: 05/08/2010
  • Average rating:

Jahtari CD 04 review

Like it's predecessor, "Jahtarian Dubbers Vol. 1", this deadly disc is about to wreck havoc on terran speakers and walkman personal stereos alike. Filled to the rim with fresh and hitherto unknown hit tunes the green matter powered Jahtarian warp drive continues to run in the red area. Our collection of new nerve stunning soundwave modules includes the whole happy space invading posse: Clause Four, Black Chow, Soom T, Solo Banton, Tapes, El Fata, Illyah & Ltd. Candy, Ras Amerlock, John Frum, disrupt and the almighty Jahtari Riddim Force. May cause heavy gravity disorder in your neighbourhood when set on autopilot.

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