
Curley Music 01 by Curley

  • Label: Curley Music
  • Title: The Esoteric E.P.
  • Reference: Curley Music 01
  • Format: 2x12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Acid Tribe, Mental Techno, Spiral Tribe
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 09/18/2010
  • Catalog entry: 09/18/2010
  • Average rating:

Curley Music 01 review

Curley's anthem finally hit the wax again with the first in a serie of highly awaited represses. First on the line is the SO RARE Audio Illusion (2x12"). Time to rave up again.

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