
Shipwrec 01 by MVDV

  • Label: Shipwrec
  • Title: CTRL Ep
  • Reference: Shipwrec 01
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Electro Breakbeat, Mental Breakbeat
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 10/30/2010
  • Catalog entry: 10/30/2010
  • Average rating:

Shipwrec 01 review

The first Shipwrec release contains three tracks by Dutch electronic
producer & pioneer Maarten van der Vleuten (R&S, TZ, Djax, Signum,
Tonefloat, Eat Concrete). On the A side you'll find Lost Control, this is
an electro version of Joy Divisions She's Lost control. The first track of
side B is iSPii, released on Maarten's own label Signum Recordings in 2009
as digital release only.
For the vinyl version a more dj-friendly mix is created what makes this
track an effective abstract dansfloor experience.
The final track is Little Angels, this one is more experimental and with a
very long break in the middle and something like a hardcore kick in the end
it definitely reminds us of early Aphex Twin.
Limited to 300 handnumbered copies with a cover that is silkscreen printed
by hand, colour print on the inside.
Each vinyl comes with a unique code for a one-time download of all digital

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