
Ini Itu 1002 by Dave Phillips

  • Label: Ini-Itu
  • Title: Mutations
  • Reference: Ini Itu 1002
  • Format: LP
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica Industrial
  • Style: Drones, Ambient Indus
  • Weight: 0.26
  • Release date: 01/23/2011
  • Catalog entry: 01/23/2011
  • Average rating:

Ini Itu 1002 review

Belgium's Ini.Itu label slowly builds a small catalogue of LP sized vinyl, always in an edition of 250 copies and always dealing with sounds from the far East, usually Indonesia, but in the case of Dave Phillips, field recordings from Thailand and Vietnam. Hesse-Honegger is a visual artist who did the cover and the insert that comes with the record. Phillips created the music solely from field recordings and has crafted two pieces, one per side, of great beauty. Somehow I think its a bit unlike his previous work. The sound is still quite upfront and present, like in much of his work, but there is not sense of rapid sound collaging and montage. The collage happens in the form of using many layers of sound, in which sounds are moved in and out of the mix. Lots of animal sounds, but also, perhaps, those of human activity. To that it seems Phillips also a bit of electronics, to juxtapose certain elements or to craft a drone like element that occurs at irregular intervals. An excellent, well crafted album of nicely treated field recordings. ( by Frans de Waard from Vital Weekly 759 -dec 2010)

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