
Rotorelief 22 by Pharmakustik

  • Label: Rotorelief
  • Title: Neurochemie
  • Reference: Rotorelief 22
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Industrial
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 01/23/2011
  • Catalog entry: 01/23/2011
  • Average rating:

Rotorelief 22 review

It consists of 8 pieces that involve complex arrangements of clinical ambiances and experiments in granular modulations...Some works also contain modified robotic, vocoded electronic voices and dismembered rhythmic particles. The Neurochemie album in a way sums up all the experiences of previous Pharmakustik-releases by concentrating on total modulation of sound and its effect on the nervous system using a wide range of plug-in effectors and many external sources.The album represents Siegmar Fricke perspective of Pharmakustik-sound 2010.

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