
Vlas Vegas 18 by Speed Dial 7, Buddy Peace, Rob Sonic, Infesticons, Elissa P, John Smith, Marcus Graap, Passage, Bleubird, K-the-I???, Mike Ladd, Nomad, B-Flat, Birdapres, Pip Skid, M Sayyid, Kaeoflux

  • Label: Vlas Vegas Records
  • Title: Short Rich Apocalypse
  • Reference: Vlas Vegas 18
  • Format: LP
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: Hip hop
  • Style: Hip Hop
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/06/2011
  • Catalog entry: 02/06/2011
  • Average rating:

Vlas Vegas 18 review

Speed Dial 7 is Tom De Geeter’s one-man band. You may know De Geeter as one half of Zuc­chini Drive (2nd Rec/Hue/Marathon of Dope), one third of Cave­men Speak (Shadowanimals/Subversiv/Hue), one fourth of Nuc­cini (2nd Rec), and one fifth of Gun­porn (Shadowanimals/Subversiv). You do the math. Originally from Kor­trijk, Bel­gium, De Geeter has evolved from hardcore-kid to alter­na­tive rap teenager, to mental-patient adult and beyond. His sound has been influ­enced by world trav­els with Zuc­chini Drive, and by learn­ing the ways of the sword. A melt­ing­pot of inspi­ra­tion always pro­vides a sur­prise in the folds of Speed Dial 7. De Geeter puts his vocals on what­ever he thinks will work, from sample-based foun­da­tions, to orig­i­nal melodies, to the gui­tar hooks of Mich Decruye­naere (from indieband Hitch), to the drum­ming of Pieter Blancke (from postrock-outfit Sal­vador). You can expect to hear a mix of six­ties psy­che­delic rock (Mov­ing Side­walks, Jimi Hen­drix), folk (Stephen Stills, Man­as­sas), and pio­neers of the 80s (Afrika Bam­baataa) in De Geeter’s next release. But it’s bet­ter not try expect any­thing in the Speed Dial 7 universe. Zuc­chini Drive’s Tom De Geeter has released his first solo album under the moniker Speed Dial 7. The result­ing Short Rich Apoc­a­lypse beds the vary­ing per­for­mances from the likes of Mike Ladd, M Sayyid, Pas­sage, Rob Sonic and Pip Skid. These con­tri­bu­tions are made cohe­sive by a hearty blend of De Geeter’s own vocals, and nos­tal­gic sam­ples that hear­ken to road trip delir­ium, ghosts, the cir­cus and whichever base­ment you were hang­ing out in the 90s. Short Rich Apoc­a­lypse gives a home to dis­jointed and eerie tracks like Slow Motion Cocaine (Mike Ladd, K-The-I, etc), catchy throw­back num­bers like Poker Faces (Pip Skid, Bir­dapres), and even a tight and rebel­lious ver­sion of Springsteen’s State Trooper (Pas­sage). The gauzy and famil­iar pro­duc­tion is paired with aggres­sive yowls, manic lyri­cal wan­der­ings, and an in-your-face mantra which can be boiled down to the lyric, “ease up, have some birth­day cake.” Give a lis­ten for a com­pelling sonic expe­ri­ence that lands some­where between lis­ten­ing to the first mix­tape you ever made, and being aurally tasered. In a good way.“

Tracks list

  • 13122-0
    A1 - Back Porch Blues - ft Buddy Peace
  • 13122-1
    A2 - Dog Dollar Blues - ft Infesticons & Rob sonic
  • 13122-2
    A3 - N.E.E.D.L.E. - ft Elissa P, John Smith, Marcus Graap & Passage
  • 13122-3
    A4 - Short Rich Apocalypse - ft Buddy Peace
  • 13122-4
    B1 - Slow Motion Cocaine - ft Bleubird, K-the-I???, Marcus Graap, Mike Ladd & Nomad
  • 13122-5
    B2 - Satellites - ft B-Flat, Birdapres & Pip Skid
  • 13122-6
    B3 - State Trooper - ft Elissa P, Marcus Graap, Passage & Pip Skid
  • 13122-7
    B4 - Outro Routine - ft Kaeoflux
  • 13122Add all tracks to a playlist

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