
Power VS Power 07 by Merk, Shen Connerie, Mockstar, Sycomor, Simonkorfunkle

  • Label: Power Versus Power
  • Title: Skitzophonia
  • Reference: Power VS Power 07
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno Breakcore Hardcore
  • Style: Hardfloor, Frenchcore, Breakcore, Dubcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 02/19/2011
  • Catalog entry: 07/01/2017
  • Average rating:

Power VS Power 07 review

Opening withy a Sycomore superb tune, with 3 kick changes to boost the style... The Mockstar tune gives a chance to some Unformated Dubstep, Uncomon and creative. Shen Connerie brings a Exorcist Hardcore Hip Hop oldschool jewel supported by a dark drum sub-bass... MERK brings the hardcore farther with a Broken Frenchcore powerfull tune that ejaculate its beat after a long teaser... Finally Simon Korfunkle will finishes you with its Rockin'Speedcore breakcore title. Once again Power Vs Power really have something to say about Dancefloor, Music and Underground. Must have.

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