
Vinyl On Demand 59 by Bene Gesserit, Human Flesh, Pseudo Code, Subject (2), I Scream

Vinyl On Demand 59 review

Insane Music, run by Alain Neffe, has been one of the greatest and biggest Tape-Labels promoting the international cassette-culture of the 80's. Labelrunner Alian Neffe got approached by VOD to compile a 4Lp Box with 7" of his band-projects I SCREAM, BENE GESSERIT, SUBJECT, HUMAN FLESH and PSEUDO CODE. Alain Neffe looked deeply into his archive and found many oscruities and unreleased material in combination with 80's tape-classics and compuled this wonderful Box-Set. All Box-Sets will also contain a 2-Track EP of newly recorded, mixed and produced songs by Bene Gesserit in the same spirit but with new equipment

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