
Astrology 08 by Wems, Strez, Anticptik, Le Clown Evil

  • Label: Astrology
  • Title: X-Projekt
  • Reference: Astrology 08
  • Format: 12'' Color
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Tribecore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 10/22/2011
  • Catalog entry: 10/22/2011
  • Average rating:

Astrology 08 review

As usual Astrology brings a Trance-Tribecore effect. Trippy and avids... Soft confortable sounds dropped on a Tribecore/Hardfloor 195/205 BPM speed.

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`-----`   `-`   `-` `-----`   `-`   `-`  `-` --` 
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