
Mixer 7-04 by Rechenzentrum

  • Label: Stichting Mixer
  • Title: Schulterblatt
  • Reference: Mixer 7-04
  • Format: 7''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Downtempo breakz
  • Weight: 0.18
  • Release date: 05/05/2002
  • Catalog entry: 01/07/2005
  • Average rating:

Mixer 7-04 review

Rechenzentrum's John Peel sessions- cd release was generally received as a very fine recording. The delicate play going on between sharp rhythmical elements, noises and fieldrecordings, makes their sound mysterious but still very much transparent. It consists of several layers, interacting on different levels of musicality, shifting between what's known and hard to define abstractness in sound. Rechenzentrum succeeds very well in bridging between the more accessible underground music and noise, to use a one-liner. "Schülterblatt" continues in this approach but sounds in no such way as their previous works. It displays an atmosphere in which an almost contradictional use of digital clippings and warm, flowing record-samples, interact and merge into one thing. It allows even a reversed night-club singer to go hand in hand with today's plug-in army, speaking a language which is not demonic at all, on the contrary.

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