
Frequenza 22 by Stephan Barnem, Alex Monster, Silicone Soul, Alex D'Elia, Nihil Young

Frequenza 22 review

Deep tekhouse for some tune... and then suddendly.

Tracks list

  • 15907-0
    Stephan Barnem ft. Alex Monster - K.I.S.S (Silicone Soul Remix)
  • 15907-1
    Stephan Barnem feat. Alex Monster - K.I.S.S. (Original Mix)
  • 15907-2
    Stephan Barnem feat. Alex Monster - K.I.S.S. (Alex D'Elia Remix)
  • 15907-3
    Stephan Barnem ft. Alex Monster - K.I.S.S. (Nihil Young Remix)
  • 15907Add all tracks to a playlist

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