
Sonic Belligeranza 10 by Dj Balli, Ralph Brown

  • Label: Sonic Belligeranza
  • Title: Tweet it ! (Extratone Mix)
  • Reference: Sonic Belligeranza 10
  • Format: LP Picture
  • Country: IT
  • Categories: Hardcore Industrial
  • Style: Conceptual, Nonmusic, Speedcore
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 10/13/2012
  • Catalog entry: 10/13/2012
  • Average rating:

Sonic Belligeranza 10 review

Lost between ultra speedcore and electro indus, this conceptual nonmusic album from DJ Balli is about Tweeter. About how many message per second twitter send, and how it is if you try to play that many beats per seconds... totally crazy stuff as usual with mr Balli ! FAT !

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