
Ad Noiseam 151 CD by Techdiff, Hecq

  • Label: Ad noiseam
  • Title: P.Conu
  • Reference: Ad Noiseam 151 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Bass dubstep grime
  • Style: Electro Dubstep, Dubstep Music
  • Weight: 0.18
  • Release date: 11/10/2012
  • Catalog entry: 11/10/2012
  • Average rating:

Ad Noiseam 151 CD review

It's clean, it's sharp, and it invokes images of futuristic, spacious constructions. For his first full-length album, breakcore artist Techdiff leaves the dancefloor anthems behind and demonstrates an insolent talent for ultra-edited, highly dynamic tracks mixing break beats, electronica and sound design. Myriad of details and idea flow together in this beast of a work, which demonstrates (as his label mate Ruby My Dear also did recently) that there's much hope to be had in this new wave of breakcore producer. This clearly doesn't sound like anything this genre has ever produced in the past, but proves to be an impressive milestone for this artist and this style.

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