
Mackitek - Mental Experience CD by Keja, Kan10

  • Label: Mackitek Records
  • Title: Mental Experience
  • Reference: Mackitek - Mental Experience CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno tribe
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 12/22/2012
  • Catalog entry: 12/22/2012
  • Average rating:

Mackitek - Mental Experience CD review

From 140 to 170 BPM... A travel into Techno and old School tribe, with lots of creativity, oldschool moments as well.. Yep. This is the Best Mackitek CD.. And maybe even one of the best Techno-tribe CD Album since a bloody while. Big Up !

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