
Corecreator VS Apocalypse 01 by Trypod, Cyrilien, Charles Landric, K-21, Chelou

  • Label: Corecreator
  • Title: The Darkside EP
  • Reference: Corecreator VS Apocalypse 01
  • Format: 12" Picture
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore
  • Style: Hardcore Mid Tempo, Doom, Rave, Acid Breakcore, Br
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 06/04/2013
  • Catalog entry: 06/04/2013
  • Average rating:

Corecreator VS Apocalypse 01 review

A rare tune from DJ Chelou awaits you here... very Somatic Responses influenced, with a loud Doom dark feeling and a breakcore Requiem ambiance : SUPERB ! K21 tunes brings a fantastic dancefloor Hardcore, with a loud kick and some def acid sounds sustained by a loud electro sound... Charles Landric brings a Raving Bug breakbeat dark track... Cyrilien is Hardcoring the stuff with a loud doom 167 BPM dancelfoor machine... and Trypod finished the good work with his Dommstyle 147 BPM hardcore, very Fifth Era soundslike,... SUPERB EP, picture disc visuals... A Must Have !
(This version is the good one for those who knows)

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