
Ad Noiseam 167 CD by Fausten, Monster X, Stormfield, Oyaarss, Dadub, Ontal

  • Label: Ad Noiseam
  • Title: Fausten
  • Reference: Ad Noiseam 167 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Breakcore Future beats Industrial
  • Style: Industrial Breakcore, Ambient Indus, Ritual Breakz
  • Weight: 0.20
  • Release date: 04/27/2013
  • Catalog entry: 04/27/2013
  • Average rating:

Ad Noiseam 167 CD review

Heavy, dense, suffocating and massive: here comes Fausten, the new collaborative project by Monster-X and Stormfield. The whole is here more than the sum of its parts: far from replicating their breakcore, techno and dubstep solo tracks, these two musicians give birth here to a deep album which moves very slowly but does so with an unstoppable drive. Fausten's début is a misanthropic, oppressive work which reunites noise with modern production techniques as only these two renowned musicians could; a colossal, smart and twisted monster of coldness and inhumanity, of distortion, beats and subtle details

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