
Kiosk 31 by Pushy!

Kiosk 31 review

With footwork sound Pushy! can express his electro personal tastes. And Pushy!'s motion really brings something to Footwork too.
His personal tastes are very early-electro influenced (D.A.F.)... In parallel his carrier evolution always tended to futur sounds...
Talking about tunes structures the style is OK to him and his way of not-to-be progressive. Full of changes and tricks, playing with the dancefloor, challenging the crowd, non-stop, again and again...
Sound textures are always thin, and full of creations, morphings and electricity : travelling from african's vibes to Amiga games.

All-in-one we got here a superb EP, generous in sounds, numbers of tunes and carrying a superb sleeve from Madame Mental, the historical graphist, faithfully working with Pushy! since the beginnging !

Once again Kiosk brings a true story between artist and label. BIG RESPECT !

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