Legs Recs 03 by Hatewire Follow, Disco Cunt Follow, Corecaine Follow, Pressterror Follow
- Label: Legs Akimbo Records Follow this label
- Title: Wired At The Dis-Core-Theque
- Reference: Legs Recs 03
- Format: 12"
- Country: UK
- Categories: Hardcore, Industrial,
- Style: Speedcore
- Weight: 0.24
- Release date: 12/07/2013
- Catalog entry: 12/07/2013
8.70 € (TTC)
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Legs Recs 03 review
Ultra speedcore compilation. The first one on Akimbo. And it's already solid and artikal. And i love it more than anything... This is the ultimate sty i would love to dance with. Liza N'Eliaz could have work out something... Speedcore dynamics. BIG UP !
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