
Abusive 303 03 by Steve Mills, Chris Liberator, The Geezer, Squat Dom

  • Label: Abusive 303
  • Title: Who Killed Acid Techno?
  • Reference: Abusive 303 03
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Acid Techno, Acidcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 12/21/2013
  • Catalog entry: 12/21/2013
  • Average rating:

Abusive 303 03 review

The question is asked : Who Killed Acid techno... A nice tune to bring some fresh Acidcore sounds in your dirty acid mixes !

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Customers reviews

bouhier ludovic , 01/16/2015

"who killed acid techno" un des meilleurs morceaux acid techno de steve mills. L'acid bassline rappelle fortement les productions des années 90.
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