
La Musique Fait La Force 213 by Lhasa, Public Relations, Neon, JC Project, Le Mystere, Second Chance, Age Of Love, Set Up System, The Mackenzie, Linea Alba, Petra & Co, Outlander, Zsa Zsa Laboum, Rhythm Device, The Neon Judgement, The caravan, Front 242, Fatal Error, Hno3, C Cat Trance,

  • Label: La Musique Fait La Force
  • Title: The Sound Of Belgium
  • Reference: La Musique Fait La Force 213
  • Format: 10x12"
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: House / electro / minimal
  • Style: Acid techno, Acid house
  • Weight: 2.50
  • Release date: 12/01/2013
  • Catalog entry: 12/01/2013
  • Average rating:

La Musique Fait La Force 213 review

A box set that will finish at 1000 dollars on ebay ^^ For sure ^^

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