Tuffa Dubs EP 01 by Riddim Tuffa Follow, El Fata Follow
- Label: Tuffa Dubs Follow this label
- Title: Inna Dancehall Style
- Reference: Tuffa Dubs EP 01
- Format: 12"
- Country: UK
- Categories: Dub / ragga,
- Style: Dub
- Weight: 0.24
- Release date: 01/25/2014
- Catalog entry: 01/25/2014
13.05 € (TTC)
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Tuffa Dubs EP 01 review
4 songs, and 2 instrumental... A melt of ambiances, with some Social political lyrics, some light party – time songs and some cool low-fi dancehall reprises... A superb little jewel ! Best Tuffa Dub so far (even if it's not a championship^^)
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