
Sprengstoff 08 by LFO Demon, Mental hell

  • Label: LFO Demon
  • Title: Mental Hell
  • Reference: Sprengstoff 08
  • Format: 2x12''
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Future beats
  • Style: Dub
  • Weight: 0.40
  • Release date: 02/04/2005
  • Catalog entry: 02/04/2005
  • Average rating:

Sprengstoff 08 review

With LFO Demon you can expect the unexpected : From Comunism Speedcore to this electronika dubby shaping Music. Could be a New York loptop Deep shit, but some rough sounds wakes up the beast. Classik in a way, but very well done and styly ! By the way, this album is a conseptual travel into Bosnia in War. The sleeve features many texts about the Hell, that is not only Mental...

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