
Diagonal 07 by Russell Haswell

  • Label: Diagonal
  • Title: 37 Minute Workout
  • Reference: Diagonal 07
  • Format: LP
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Industrial Future beats
  • Style: Electro Noise, Dirty Electro break, Experimental B
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/15/2014
  • Catalog entry: 03/15/2014
  • Average rating:

Diagonal 07 review

Titled 37 Minute Workout, Haswell's album for Diagonal is the label's second full-length album release, following on from Death Comet Crew's recent Ghost Among The Crew. It's the latest instalment in an ongoing run of prolific and powerful form from Haswell, and follows on from his crushing live set at Diagonal's first London showcase last year. But it also marks a slight shift in his work. Although having long been inspired by Detroit techno pioneers like Jeff Mills and having DJ'd and curated many club events over the years, defined beats have rarely been a core feature in Haswell's tracks. Following last year's noise-wracked dancefloor collaboration with Regis as Concrete Fence, sections of 37 Minute Workout are overtly rhythm driven, in keeping with the label’s ‘club music’ ethos — their strobing beats and interference suggesting techno torn to bloody shreds before being reassembled in chaotic new configurations.

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