
Humungus 03 by Weasel Busters Tribe

  • Label: Humungus
  • Title: Quand le Caméléonzigloo lèche le seigle vert c'est que ça va pêter !
  • Reference: Humungus 03
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Happy hardtek
  • Weight: 0.21
  • Release date: 06/07/2008
  • Catalog entry: 06/07/2008
  • Average rating:

Humungus 03 review

REPRESS !!! Porcherie from The Berurier Noir... ! A real Anthem for those who wanna check the surroundings after the party ?

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Customers reviews

fernandez georges2 , 01/25/2009

tribe pouette pouette, very boring !!! :-(
Tomas Klus , 06/05/2008

Dr Valentino to the oral, pls
Jonáš KRYŠTOF , 06/26/2007

alien unit destroy
boris palasie , 02/25/2005

WB ? du \"O-zone\" en kaki !!!
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