
Ad Noiseam 176 CD by Mobthrow, Subheim

  • Label: Ad Noiseam
  • Title: Unfolded
  • Reference: Ad Noiseam 176 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Electro / breaks Drum & bass Ambient electronica
  • Style: Broken Electro, Hard Drum & Bass, Hard Breakbeat,
  • Weight: 0.30
  • Release date: 04/19/2014
  • Catalog entry: 04/19/2014
  • Average rating:

Ad Noiseam 176 CD review

Maturity and depth: with his second album, Mobthrow refines his very original mixture of beat-driven breaks and highly evocative atmospheres, enriching them with a subtle newfound palette. A very original work at the meeting point of the club and the sonic daydream, "Unfolded" sharpens Mobthrow's vision and brings a modern twist on his impressive sound-design. This seductive and personal album is not only the confirmation that Mobthrow is a talented musician to be reckoned with, but also an author whose albums carry their own strong narrative. There are many side to "Unfolded", and they all fit firmly and harmoniously together.

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