
Ad Noiseam 169 by Broken Note

  • Label: Ad Noiseam
  • Title: Black Mirror
  • Reference: Ad Noiseam 169
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Bass dubstep grime
  • Style: Hard Dubstep
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 04/19/2014
  • Catalog entry: 08/01/2023
  • Average rating:

Ad Noiseam 169 review

Four years of live shows and painstaking experimentations later, Broken Note is back to quench our thirst for organic bass and intense beats. "Black Mirror" is a further refinement of this act's core sound: heavy, dense and cutting-edge, but also a step forward towards more cinematic sonorities, faster beats and new structures. As exhilirating as ever, powerful and encompassing, Broken Note anno 2014 proves that this act has no equal when it comes to sharp, sub-driven innovation. Here comes exactly the record that any Broken Note fan has been waiting and asking for.

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