
Heat 03 by He/At

  • Label: Heat Trax
  • Title: Don't Grow Up It's A Trap EP
  • Reference: Heat 03
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno, Hard techno, Broken techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/14/2014
  • Catalog entry: 06/14/2014
  • Average rating:

Heat 03 review

The speculation as to who is behind the project began after He/aT emerged last June with the "A Death In The Family EP", and was fuelled further on the release of the second "A Terrible Misunderstanding EP" in December. With this, the 3rd EP in the series, the waters remain muddy in that respect, but more importantly He/aT steps things up and drops the powerful "Don't Grow Up, It's A Trap EP". The title track is perhaps the boldest dance floor track from the project so far. "I Was Young, I Needed The Money" follows, twisting He/aT's now trademark experimentalism with 4x4 techno. "These Are My Principles And If You Dont Like Them I have Others" is the brutal but intricate finale, and certainly up there with his most accomplished work to date.

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