
Etage Noir 32 by Parov Stelar

  • Label: Etage Noir
  • Title: The Princess EP
  • Reference: Etage Noir 32
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: AT
  • Categories: House / electro / minimal
  • Style: Electro Swing
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 04/01/2014
  • Catalog entry: 04/01/2014
  • Average rating:

Etage Noir 32 review

Parov Stelar´s „The Princess EP“ is a selection of dancefloor oriented tracks from his new album on vinyl.
On his new album "The Princess" Parov Stelar consequently advances his unmistakable style. He also
prolongs one ot the most amazing success stories of the past years.
A certified border-crosser of musical styles, Parov Stelar has examined well-tried and partly classic
patterns, deconstructed them and re-defined his very own style along the way. At the same time he evolved
from a DJ and producer to a first class band leader. Since then he and his band travel from one big festival
stage and club to another. His fans do appreciate this kind of tireless commitment: the past decade had him
gather a loyal, international fan-base, almost all of his upcoming dates are sold-out months in advance.
What started as a series of some hundreds concerts in Eastern Europe soon conquered Central Europe
and North America. Top chart positions in the US iTunes Electronic Charts and the New Artist Billboard
Charts prove that Parov Stelar ́s new sound can easily even cross an ocean.
On April 20th 2012, Parov Stelars long-awaited new double-album THE PRINCESS will see the light of day,
followed by an extensive, nearly fully sold-out European tour. THE PRINCESS perfectly sums up Parov
Stelar's musical development without neglecting his roots. More than ever he takes his time to make every
single track a short-story filled with ideas nicely fitting his 'anything goes' attitude.

Tracks list

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