
Etage Noir Special 01 by Crash Candy, Parov Stelar

  • Label: Etage Noir
  • Title: Jet Set
  • Reference: Etage Noir Special 01
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: AT
  • Categories: House / electro / minimal
  • Style: Electro Swing
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/21/2014
  • Catalog entry: 06/21/2014
  • Average rating:

Etage Noir Special 01 review

Jazz? Not really….we proudly present the rude sister of Etage Noir Recordings.
This tunes are strictly for the dancefloor!
Etage Noir Special starts with a cooperation of CASH CANDY with PAROV
On the A side JET SET follows the power of vintage synth sounds combined with a heavy
bassline and stomping drums. Tested in several clubs JET SET is a guaranteed peaktime
monster. With an amazing break,the tune boost the tension and explodes back to the
maintheme. A Dj must-have!
On the flipside CHRISTOPHER JUST re-arranged LOVE AND PAIN and transformed it into
hypnotic raveburner – let the good times roll! Our man from Vienna brings back the fun
and power of the early days of the electronic revolution.
LOVE AND PAIN feat. LILJA BLOOM finishes the EP with an extraordinary touch of analog
sampling and modern beat programming. LOVE AND PAIN… the title stands for itself.

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