
Jamaican Recordings LP 54 by Johnny Clarke, Cornell Campbell, Linval Thompson, Mighty Diamonds, Ronnie Davis, Horace Andy

  • Label: Jamaican Recordings
  • Title: Justice Dub
  • Reference: Jamaican Recordings LP 54
  • Format: LP
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Dub / ragga
  • Style: Dub, Rooots Dub, Reggae
  • Weight: 0.28
  • Release date: 11/12/2023
  • Catalog entry: 11/12/2023
  • Average rating:

Jamaican Recordings LP 54 review

The productions of producer Bunny’Striker’Lee were so extensive in the early to mid 1970’s that labels were created just to handle his ever expanding output...

Three labels that came about during this time when Dub was King, were Jackpot,Justice and Attack.

Here we look at the Justice label and have compiled a collection of some of its finest dub cuts..

Justice records was formed in the early 70’s as a subsidiary label to handle the ever growing output of Producer and hit maker from Jamaica,Bunny ‘Striker’Lee.Bunny worked in all the Jamaican studios and as an independent operator would licence his product to all the different labels in England and America..

Bunny was at the birth of Dub Music and worked closely with King Tubby. he stored many of his masters at Tubbys studio,where they were always available for Tubby to work his magic over..

We have gathered here what we think are some of the best dubcuts from this label and era..

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