
Mord 10 RP by Ansome, Inigo Kennedy

  • Label: Mord
  • Title: Penny & Pound EP
  • Reference: Mord 10
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Techno, Mental Techno
  • Weight: 0.25
  • Release date: 08/30/2014
  • Catalog entry: 08/30/2014
  • Average rating:

Mord 10 RP review

Vinyl of the 10th Mord release,
Early support: Truss, Tommy Four Seven, Truncate, Marcel Dettmann, Psyk, AnD, Pfirter, Eomac, Perc, Rebekah, Svreca, Paula Temple, Dax J, Joseph Capriati, Joachim Spieth, Henning Baer, Lag, Takaaki Itoh, Go Hiyama, D. Carbone, Par Grindvik, Max M, Wire, Paul Mac, Kriz, Octave, Drvg Cvltvre, Dimi Angelis, Joe Farr, Ryuji Takeuchi, Slam, Rivet, Gary Beck, Nuno dos Santos, Manni Dee, Luis Ruiz, Mark Morris, Mattias Woot, Mike Darkfloor, Erphun, Radial, Exium, P.E.A.R.L., Mr. Jones, Joseph Mcgeechan, Joton, UVB, Juho Kusti, Aiken, Operator, Jeff Rushin, Martyn Hare, Inigo Kennedy, Sebastian Kokow, Roberto, Shards, L.A.W, Ricardo Garduno, Space DJz, Operator, Blank Code, Patrick DSP…


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