
Autre Distribution 2603 LP by Akale Wube, Mulatu Astatke, Tsehaytu Beraki

  • Label: Autre Distribution
  • Title: Mata
  • Reference: Autre Distribution 2603 LP
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Folktronic / postworld / jazz
  • Style: Traditionnel
  • Weight: 0.26
  • Release date: 08/29/2014
  • Catalog entry: 08/29/2014
  • Average rating:

Autre Distribution 2603 LP review

Akalé Wubé is a Parisian band devoted totally to the grooves of 60s and 70s Ethiopian music. Since their beginnings in 2009, Akalé Wubé have been exploring passionately and meticulously the musical goldmine of Swingin' Addis, which they discovered through the “Ethiopiques” compilation curated by Buda Music.

After years of absorbing this unique genre, working on a sound of their own through adventurous arrangements and original compositions; after numerous collaborations, two albums, over two hundred concerts and a Ethiopian trip, Akalé Wubé today propose their personal and powerful version of a fantastic Ethiopia.

The band excels in building bridges between Ethio-jazz and 70s West-African music (afrobeat), Jamaica (reggae), and even still the New York contemporary scene in the years 2010; a rich melting pot with an obsessively clear direction: communicating to the feet before the mind, a thing sometimes called groove, swing, or even “jawa jawa” in Amharique...

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