
Hware 33 by Subtension

  • Label: Renegade Hardware
  • Title: AK47 / Leaving / Offset
  • Reference: Hware 33
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: DRUM N BASS
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 11/01/2014
  • Catalog entry: 11/01/2014
  • Average rating:

Hware 33 review

Keeping true to the cause of bringing you the freshest new talent on the roster our latest recruit: Subtension debuts his first solo release. Delivering three diverse tracks reaching out far and wide into the drum and bass scene from his base in Slovakia.

The title track AK47 trains its scope directly on the dance floor. An unapologetic, raw stomper of a track.

Keeping the vibe upbeat and bouncy, a straight to the point crisp stepping beat is peppered with round after round of alternating barreling bass stabs and amen edits. This track has been wreaking collateral damage wherever it has been played.

Meanwhile the contrasting half tempo style of the flip side track Leaving sends the release in a completely different direction. Subtensions eye for detail and flawless, unique production skills makes this track strand out effortlessly from the crowd. Some hi tech, future funk, hip hop vibes are on display marrying a great dance floor ethic with another fresh take on the d&b framework.

Closing the release is the deepest track of the single – Offset. Offbeat rhythms paired together with a soulful vocal, delayed percussion and huge synth stabs. Keeps this one on a vibe that once again crosses over beyond the scope of the die-hard RH fans and shows the superb capability of this exciting new artist.

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