
Galletas Calientes LP 02 CD by Meridian Brothers, Romperayo, Colectro, Tucupra, La Makina Del Karibe, Los Piranas, Solo Moderna, Kosta Kostov, Dj Click, Armadillo, Cero 39, Gux Swadharma, La Candela Machine, Las Cumbias Del Chonto, La Minitk Del Miedo, Los Brodubers, Rafael Aragon

Galletas Calientes LP 02 CD review

Electro tropical killer ! Musician from colombia playing ultra electro Cumbia... is no more Cumbie... Very Balkanik at some point, very electro, breakbeat and techno... To step out a bit from Columbian Postcard... A bloody wicked update on what happens there nawadays with music ! This CD version contains even more tune than the vinyl LP ! ENJOY !

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