
Decompression Mag 04 by Be My Enemy, Coldwar, Edible Woman, Jensen, The Toilet, Necrophor, Syd 31, Dieter Rams, Michael Intergalaxon, From The Bogs Of Aughiska, Chris Naughton, Ken Sorceron, Junkie Kut, Dirt Loco, Ryan, Dirty K, Spastic Burn Victim, Preserver, Hansel, Inverted S

Decompression Mag 04 review

MINT /Sealed

Interviews, records reviews and CD compilations : The alliance of Metal, hardcore, breakcore and Noise... Hard stuff only ! with : Godflesh, Hanzel Und Gretyl, Bong Ra, Doom, Lenny Dee, Velvet Acid Christ, M1DY, Concrete Lung, Collisions, Skull Vomit, Gets Worse, 3Teeth, Coldwar

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