
DokiDoki 15 by Candie Hank, Blenno Die Wurstbrucke Povera Sound

  • Label: DokiDoki
  • Title: Asper #4 Summer 14
  • Reference: DokiDoki 15
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Breakcore Future beats Industrial
  • Style: Electro punk, Electro Breakcore, Industrial, Noise
  • Weight: 0.28
  • Release date: 12/09/2014
  • Catalog entry: 12/09/2014
  • Average rating:

DokiDoki 15 review

Split Album with one side Live from Candy Hanks. The Patrick Catani side is a joyfull crazy electro killer, dancefloor and fully musical. Sound is perefect in spitre it's a a LiveSet. B-side from Blenno Die Wurstbrucke Povera Sound brings some tunes made from Toybending and home made electronics instruments, pushing sounds and noises to chaos... bringing the industrial noise transe.

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