
Beating Drum 09 by Horsedreamer, Ben Harper, Piers Faccini, BKO Quintet, William Patrick Duncan, Emily Barker, Gnut, Jenny Lysander, Yelli Yelli, Jasser Haj Youssef, Les Fils Du Calvaire, Dawn Landes, Grecanico Salentino

Beating Drum 09 review

The Many Are One is a compilation curated by songwriter Piers Faccini and released on his own label Beating Drum. Faccini, acclaimed over the years in his own music for having blended diverse and cross-cultural influences has compiled a collection of tracks that weaves a mesmerising journey between continents, languages and musical styles. Inviting old friends and collaborators for the record from various corners of the earth, the record introduces the notion of an inter-connected global 21st century folk music scene. If songs were landscapes, the album would takes us from the city to the plains and from the metropolis to the mountains and deserts and into the oceans beyond. The album showcases the craft of many remarkable songwriters and musicians. Unreleased and exclusive to the compilation are tracks by Ben Harper, Dawn Landes, Emily Barker, young Swedish songwriting prodigy Jenny Lysander, Horsedreamer (Roger Robinson of King Midas Sound’s solo venture) and Les Fils du Calvaire, the French language incarnation of electro producers dOP, to name but a few. There are also tracks on the compilation by several artists signed to Beating Drum whose songs are produced, arranged and often co written by Faccini. Horsedreamer, Yelli Yelli and Jenny Lysnader make up the collaborative projects that the label intends for release in 2015, while the Barzilian Dom La Nena and Neapolitan Gnut, whose debut albums Faccini also produced, provide songs. If The Many Are One were a mask, it would be one that transforms in shape and colour with each voice that sings through it. A mask of many tongues, English, French, Kabyle, Bambara, Salentino, Napoletano and Portuguese spin a kaleidoscopic blend of voices and languages throughout the compilation. The album also highlights a rich variety of traditional and instrumental sounds. There are Malian n’gonis in BKO Quintet’s Dunsolu, a solo viole d’amour played by the Tunisian virtuoso Jasser Haj Youssef’s as well as the polyphonic vocals and pipes of the southern Italians Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino.

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