
Asphalt Tango 5014 by Soundwalk Collective

  • Label: Asphalt Tango
  • Title: Sons Of The Wind
  • Reference: Asphalt Tango 5014
  • Format: LP
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Folktronic / postworld / jazz
  • Style: OST, Gypsy Music
  • Weight: 0.28
  • Release date: 01/31/2015
  • Catalog entry: 01/31/2015
  • Average rating:

Asphalt Tango 5014 review

Street-recorded from Gypsies in Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria in 2013... this sounds like a promenade in the wind...

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Customers reviews

Guillaume Marasm , 03/09/2015

super disque avec des passages field recording et des ambiances de rue.
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