
Mikkim Santiago CD by Mikkim

  • Label: Big Bong
  • Title: Santiago
  • Reference: Mikkim Santiago CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: CZ
  • Categories: Folktronic / postworld / jazz
  • Style: Cumbia Electro, Carribean Electro
  • Weight: 0.18
  • Release date: 02/07/2015
  • Catalog entry: 02/07/2015
  • Average rating:

Mikkim Santiago CD review

MikkiM’s lastest release, Santiago, is his third LP. There are 14 lively tracks which were recorded during his journey in Santiago de Cuba. All songs on this album are characterized by original mix of electronic dance beats and latino-american, carribean and ska/reggae rhythms together with vocals by top-rated Cuban singers. Album is released by Big Bong Records.

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