
Ant Zen Act 166 by Silk Saw

  • Label: ANT ZEN
  • Title: Empty Rooms
  • Reference: Ant Zen Act 166
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Industrial
  • Style: Noisy Ambient
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 04/15/2005
  • Catalog entry: 04/15/2005
  • Average rating:

Ant Zen Act 166 review

all the tracks on this album are based on material composed especially for a french play called ‘les chambres d’œdipe’, an adaptation of hölderlin’s translation of ‘œdipus tyrant’, by sophocles. ‘les chambres d’œdipe’ was performed in november 2003 and february 2004 at the théâtre méga-pobec in evreux, france. the first performance took place at the fear drop festival (les nuits de l’observatoire) and silk saw played live for every performance. in order to achieve a proper life independently of ‘les chambres d’œdipe’, most of the tracks were strongly reworked at laboratoire central (some months after the performances). if you never have the opportunity to watch the play don’t worry - this soundtrack featured on this album speaks for itself. once again, gabriel severin and marc medea lead the listener into a strange, dark, and threatening parallel sound universe. if you are familiar with silk saw’s former works you might be surprised by the unusual straight ahead beats on track 1, but soon the typical silk saw-ish rhythmic patterns take over. usually silk saw avoids the usage of voices but in this production the sometimes manipulated embedded vocals compliment and add to the soundscapes. also noticeable are the very strong sub-basses and unusual (for silk saw) distorted noises which transform the frightening and sometimes aggressive atmosphere into a climax. friedrich hölderlin died after 35 years of psychic paralysis, do not forget this while listening.

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