
333777 01 by Figaro De montmartre, U-Roy

333777 01 review

Figaro De Montmartre is band base on 2 persons, with friends around like U-Roy (nevertheless !)... Can be up to 8 on stage... They play Ragga Jungle, quiet Rought and bloody dancefloor... The very first EP from them was pressed at Curved. They basically come from Paris but they are just back after 3 years traveling from Jamaica to Canda, in every coyntry they stayed a t last 6 month , living there, working there.. and playing there as well... meeting loads of comunity, artists and public. This superb first mini LP comes in a printed sleeve. Enjoy the hard Ragga Jungle, not dark at all, with zero samples and totally played live ! As it should be always actually ! RESPECT !

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