
Moonshine LP 04S - RP by Hylu, Jago, Sleepy Time Ghost, Onlyjoe, Zion Train, Numa Crew, The Illuminated, Tuff, Powa, Kinetical, Violinbwoy, Sekkleman

  • Label: Moonshine
  • Title: Steppin' Forward Remixed
  • Reference: Moonshine LP 04S - RP
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: PL
  • Categories: Dub / ragga Bass dubstep grime
  • Style: Electro Dub, Dusbtep, Stepper
  • Weight: 0.28
  • Release date: 06/07/2021
  • Catalog entry: 06/07/2021
  • Average rating:

Moonshine LP 04S - RP review

Fat bassy Reggae, stepper and newskool... Old skool tunes revisited. Every tune is better than the one before... when you reach B2 track you're on the TOP ! Needed !

Tracks list

  • 22984-0
    A1 - Hylu & Jago meet Sleepy Time Ghost ft. Onlyjoe - Concrete - Zion Train Remix
  • 22984-1
    A2 - Numa Crew - Knowledge - The Illuminated Remix
  • 22984-2
    B1 - Tuff & Powa ft. Kinetical - Outlaw Music - Numa Crew Remix
  • 22984-3
    B2 - Violinbwoy - Echo Park - Sekkleman Remix
  • 22984Add all tracks to a playlist

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