
Ramm LP 23 by June Miller, Hannah Lux

  • Label: Ram Records
  • Title: Robots & Romans
  • Reference: Ramm LP 23
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: DRUM & BASS
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 08/01/2015
  • Catalog entry: 08/01/2015
  • Average rating:

Ramm LP 23 review

Ramm new sound engeneer is not as good as the ancient one... Too bad because the first tune is just superb : solid efficient drum & bass ! with originality and fat growing dancefloor excitations !... Then second track goes good cool ladysong... Smart style. Second record brings quiet the same equilibrum : one danscelfoor and one cool... but less interesting than the first plate of the new LP:)

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